Design for Experience: Where Technology Meets Design and Strategy (Human-Computer Interaction Series) by Jinwoo Kim
Design for Experience: Where Technology Meets Design and Strategy (Human-Computer Interaction Series) by Jinwoo Kim PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Presents a strategic perspective and design methodology that guide the process of developing digital products and services that provide ‘real experience’ to users. Only when the material experienced runs its course to fulfilment is it then regarded as ‘real experience’ that is distinctively senseful, evaluated as valuable, and harmoniously related to others.
Based on the theoretical background of human experience, the book focuses on these three questions:
- How can we understand the current dominant designs of digital products and services?
- What are the user experience factors that are critical to provide the real experience?
- What are the important HCI design elements that can effectively support the various UX factors that are critical to real experience?
Design for Experience is intended for people who are interested in the experiences behind the way we use our products and services, for example designers and students interested in interaction, visual graphics and information design or practitioners and entrepreneurs in pursuit of new products or service-based start-ups.
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