Pearson's Comprehensive Medical Assisting (3rd Edition) by Nina M. Beaman MS RNC CMA, Kristiana Sue Routh, Lorraine M. Papazian-Boyce MS, Janet M. Sesser, Ron Maly, Helen Mills
Pearson's Comprehensive Medical Assisting (3rd Edition) by Nina M. Beaman MS RNC CMA, Kristiana Sue Routh, Lorraine M. Papazian-Boyce MS, Janet M. Sesser, Ron Maly, Helen Mills PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Pearson’s Comprehensive Medical Assisting, Third Edition, provides students with the right procedural, people, and professional skills needed to succeed in the medical assisting profession.
Teaching and Learning Experience
Offers a step-by-step, competency-based approach that covers virtually all facets of the medical assisting profession:
- Procedural Skills—Speaks directly to the medical assisting student, presenting all the procedures and tasks that are relevant to the medical assistant role.
- People Skills—Covers people and communication skills that are essential to being a successful medical assistant.
- Professional Skills—Instills concepts and critical thinking skills needed to succeed as a medical assistant professional.
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