Capturing Lighthouses and Life's Lessons by Angel Rypkema
Capturing Lighthouses and Life's Lessons by Angel Rypkema PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A part time photographer and full-time Law Enforcement Officer from Greenville, NC, set out on a mission to capture all seven NC Coastal Lighthouses, hoping to create a beautiful collage to sell at the River Walk Gallery and Arts Center in Washington, NC where she is a member. She had only four days to complete her mission, with no idea what path to take. It was her first vacation without her family and first time seeing five of the lighthouses. All alone, she was forced to face her fears and frustrations with her life, which only made her stronger. Stranded on Shackleford Banks with the horses, a melted candy bar, and God's presence turned her journey to capture the lighthouses into a calling to share her own life's lessons and photographs of many of God's grand designs, with the world. She prays sharing her private feelings and experiences will help others who are struggling with things beyond their control.From reader reviews:
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