Selasa, 22 April 2014

PDF⋙ Sensory Integration: A Compendium of Leading Scholarship

Sensory Integration: A Compendium of Leading Scholarship

Sensory Integration: A Compendium of Leading Scholarship

Sensory Integration: A Compendium of Leading Scholarship PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

As sensory integration receives increasing attention from the health care community and the general public, sensory integration scholarship has never been more important. This exciting new book collects the latest research on, debates about, and trends for this timely topic and is ideal for occupational therapy practitioners, students, researchers, and health care professionals who seek to better understand this complex and fascinating field. This compendium includes 45 recently published articles from a wide range of sources. For each article, an extensive annotation provides an in-depth description of the topic or study, a summary of outcomes and conclusions to be drawn from it, and an explanation on how to apply these conclusions to practice and research. Six sections tackle every angle of sensory integration, including definitions, diagnosis, assessment, intervention effectiveness, research creation, and living with a sensory integration disorder.

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