Sabtu, 06 Desember 2014

PDF⋙ Lydia Lion Goes Exploring: Ten Exciting Adventures of a Lion Cub by Jim Spensley

Lydia Lion Goes Exploring: Ten Exciting Adventures of a Lion Cub by Jim Spensley

Lydia Lion Goes Exploring: Ten Exciting Adventures of a Lion Cub

Lydia Lion Goes Exploring: Ten Exciting Adventures of a Lion Cub by Jim Spensley PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Lydia Lion Goes Exploring is a collection of fresh and realistic read-aloud stories about a little lion cub discovering her world. Lydia's adventures dramatically create an aura of danger or mishap for young listeners. Lydia is a lot like kids want to be: out there doing their own thing, scary as it may be. Each adventure is a stand-alone story involving other African animals. Each story ends with a comfortable resolution of the anxious moments of the day. Lydia Lion Goes Exploring! is available in print or e-book. Endorsement. Lydia Lion and her brothers are captivating characters growing-up in their ever-expanding world. Lydia is independent, inquisitive and adventurous: a wonderful role model for girls and their siblings. She ventures further and further beyond her comfort zone, and along the way exposes herself and her siblings to new experiences that are realistic and believable. Lydia Lion Goes Exploring has no anthropomorphic cartoon stories, but engages young listeners and readers while also teaching valuable lessons about life and animals in the wild. Highly recommended to parents and teachers to read aloud or have children read alone. -Carol Pfleiderer, Educator

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