Disrupting Digital Business: Create an Authentic Experience in the Peer-to-Peer Economy by R "Ray" Wang
Disrupting Digital Business: Create an Authentic Experience in the Peer-to-Peer Economy by R "Ray" Wang PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
But organizations no longer control the conversation. In this era of social and mobile technology, customers, employees, suppliers, and partners are in direct communication with one another. Those personal networks and the brands they’re passionate about influence their decision making and their spending.
The workforce has changed too. Employees expect to be able to determine when and how they will work, the technology they’ll use, and the values their company will espouse.
Organizations can take part in this conversation only if they recognize how and where it’s happening. Resisting these changes will leave executives, managers, and their companies powerless. Organizations must pivot with and ahead of these social, organizational, and technological shifts or risk being left behind.
Technology guru Ray Wang shows how organizations can surf the waves of changehow they can keep their promises. Current trends, when taken seriously, require a new way of thinking about business that includes five key areas:
1. Consumerization of technology and the new C-suite
2. Data’s influence in driving decisions
3. Digital marketing transformation
4. The future of work
5. Matrix commerce
Digital disruption has changed how we do our work. But by mastering these trends you’ll delight your customers with every interaction.
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