Kamis, 11 September 2014

PDF⋙ Raising God-First Kids in a Me-First World by Barbara Curtis

Raising God-First Kids in a Me-First World by Barbara Curtis

Raising God-First Kids in a Me-First World

Raising God-First Kids in a Me-First World by Barbara Curtis PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

More than ever, if you have children, parenting with purpose is required. In a world where children are bombarded with conflicting messages, both moms and dads must fight the tendency to be reactive and instead proactively become the primary teachers of their children. Raising God-First Kids in a Me-First World addresses media, technology, consumerism, sexual purity, selfishness, and other factors that form children in our society. Curtis empowers parents with the necessary skills to raise kids who are secure in who they are, not basing their worth on society's values. Each chapter includes valuable questions, suggestions, and resources. Topics covered include:
  • How businesses today are targeting our children with the goal of turning them into consumers, and how we as parents can counteract these forces
  • Ways parents can reflect on their own relationship to the media
  • Steps to become better role models for our children
  • A plan to help children make good choices on their own
This book is for parents struggling to help children overcome (while learning to overcome themselves) our inherent self-centeredness—the center-of-the-universe mentality—reinforced ceaselessly by the media and forces of consumerism. Instead, God-first kids are secure in God's love and have learned how to live well from the inside out from the real pros, their parents.

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