Senin, 08 Februari 2016

PDF⋙ Defending the Good News: The Jehovah's Witnesses' Plan to Expand the First Amendment by Jennifer Jacobs Henderson

Defending the Good News: The Jehovah's Witnesses' Plan to Expand the First Amendment by Jennifer Jacobs Henderson

Defending the Good News: The Jehovah's Witnesses' Plan to Expand the First Amendment

Defending the Good News: The Jehovah's Witnesses' Plan to Expand the First Amendment by Jennifer Jacobs Henderson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Jehovah's Witnesses Help Expand First Amendment Rights: The Jehovah's Witnesses were the first organized group in America to generate what has been termed vigilant or disciplined plan of litigation to expand the boundaries of the First Amendment. In a period of 15 years, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society lawyers won Witnesses the right to distribute literature door-to-door, on public streets and on streets owned by private corporations and the federal government; the right to carry out these activities without first securing a permit or paying a tax; the right to use sound-amplifying equipment to spread their beliefs; and the right to be protected from continued arrests under unconstitutional ordinances. By implementing an extensive, detailed legal plan to overturn ordinances that interfered with their evangelical mission, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society broadened protection under the First Amendment not just for their members, but for all Americans. The overwhelming success of the plan shaped mass media law, the application of the First Amendment, and group litigation in the United States. This book explores these issues and examines the Jehovah's Witnesses plans to expand the First Amendment even further.

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