Senin, 08 Februari 2016

PDF⋙ Designing Mobile Payment Experiences: Principles and Best Practices for Mobile Commerce by Skip Allums

Designing Mobile Payment Experiences: Principles and Best Practices for Mobile Commerce by Skip Allums

Designing Mobile Payment Experiences: Principles and Best Practices for Mobile Commerce

Designing Mobile Payment Experiences: Principles and Best Practices for Mobile Commerce by Skip Allums PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Now that consumer purchases with mobile phones are on the rise, how do you design a payment app that’s safe, easy to use, and compelling? With this practical book, interaction and product designer Skip Allums provides UX best practices and recommendations to help you create familiar, friendly, and trustworthy experiences.

Consumers want mobile transactions to be as fast and reliable as cash or bank cards. This book shows designers, developers, and product managers—from startups to financial institutions—how to design mobile payments that not only safeguard identity and financial data, but also provide value-added features that exceed customer expectations.

  • Learn about the major mobile payment frameworks: NFC, cloud, and closed loop
  • Examine the pros and cons of Google Wallet, Isis, Square, PayPal, and other payment apps
  • Provide walkthroughs, demos, and easy registration to quickly gain a new user’s trust
  • Design efficient point-of-sale interactions, using NFC, QR, barcodes, or geolocation
  • Add peripheral services such as points, coupons and offers, and money management

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Designing Mobile Payment Experiences: Principles and Best Practices for Mobile Commerce by Skip Allums EPub

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